Photographic Nihilism

Photographic nihilism means:

What is the point of making photos? They are insignificant anyways.

Nihilism: the (loser) philosophy that ‘nothing has meaning, thus I shall do nothing’ (Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy). Unfortunately this type of nihilistic thinking victimizes intelligent (atheist) individuals. If we live in a world without god, or a cosmic “reason” to life — why do anything?

A child doesn’t need a reason to play

  • cindy hand shadow

We gotta take ourselves and life less seriously.

When we see kids playing on a playground, we don’t ask them:

What is the MEANING or the PURPOSE behind your playing?

The kids would simply look at you blank-faced, and say something like:

It is fun!

My thoughts on the good life

Why I have the happiest life:

  1. Least amount of stresses, obligations.
  2. No schedule everyday; I improvise everyday.
  3. No debt.
  4. Everyday engaging in some sort of fun physical and artistic activity.