
“Mens agitat molem.”- Virgil (Mind agitates [moves] matter).

Agitate comes from “ago” (Latin), which means to set into motion, to lead, to drive/propel/cast.

To agitate ourselves (self motivate ourselves to move, act, and to set ourselves into motion): isn’t this the goal of life?

Why agitate is good


Perhaps better than the notion of “motivation” is “agitation”. Generally when we think of the word “agitate” it means more of “to annoy, or to bother”. But I also like how the word “agitate” is scientific (agitate chemicals to create a reaction).

So perhaps we also need to agitate something within ourselves to set off more creative reactions within ourselves?

How to agitate yourself


First, traveling seems to be a good mode of self agitation. By traveling, you shake yourself up. Discomfort is key to travel — jet lag, lack of sleep, unfamiliar quarters— these all are enough discomforts to shake you out of your ordinary everyday experiences and life, to help shake up the torpid creative energies within you.


Chaos random

A bit of chaos is good. Strive to go OUTSIDE of your everyday life experiences. Take a new path. Eat new foods. Try new restaurants. Drive new routes (ignore Google maps). Get lost, be uncertain, allow yourself to get bored and be unoptimized.

What drives you?

Agitate (agitatus in Latin) also means, “to drive, to impel”. Impel = to be pushed or driven in a certain way (or to strike, thrust, shake).

For myself, I’m driven by curiosity. I’m driven by dissatisfaction. I’m driven by hunger. Hunger to understand more, create more, and to acquire more knowledge/wisdom/understanding.

Perhaps it is my will to creative power. When I’m overflowing with creative energy and spirit, I feel like an artistic demigod. Perhaps this is my goal in art.

Conclusion: Discover your ideal conditions for artistic thriving

For myself:

  1. Nomadic living, travel, simple living, ultra lightweight, and childlike mentality.
  2. Fewer concerns, abundant leisure, no fears. Less concern for money, living with extreme frugality.
  3. Physiological strength: Insane amounts of sleep (10+ hours a night), rivers of black coffee, meat heavy-ketogenic diet. Intermittent fasting. Powerlifting (extreme weight lifting—deadlift, squat, heavy dumbbell press, chin-ups).

I cannot say what will work for you. Just never stop experimenting!