How to Photograph Nature

Nature: going outdoors, on hikes, fresh air; good for the soul.

Even though we are mostly city folk, I think the hybrid of extreme city and extreme nature is a good one.

So us as street photographers, let us also venture more forth into nature and use our photographic skills there as well.

1. Texture

Photograph texture. Touch things in nature, pick them up, hold them, and then photograph them. By touching the things you photographic (haptic experience), you will be better connected to what you photograph, and build a stronger memory with it.

When photographing texture, experiment shooting in the shade or the bright light.

2. Look up!

While you’re walking shoot while looking up!

3. Black and white

Nature looks fascinating and beautiful in monochrome. Experiment shooting more monochrome while in nature.

RICOH GR III in high contrast black and white node, jpeg, much shot -1 or -2 exposure compensation.

4. Simpler is better

In praise of minimalism. Make your photos as extremely simple as possible. Pick up things and shoot them against the sky.

Or just look for a single thing to photograph.

5. Details

Like a spider web:

6. Photograph your loved one

Hikes and nature stuff is more fun with others. Also photograph them!

7. Light and shadow

Shoot at -1 or -2 exposure compensation, to study the light. Emphasize strong darks and lights. Also shoot the flares.


Nature photography is good. Good for clearing your mind, good for thinking, good for walking, and good for shooting.

You don’t gotta go far. Even a 30 minute drive for a small hike will be beneficial.

A thought:

Perhaps the more urban we become, do we also must become more nature-forward?