In Praise of Wandering

Wandering; this is the source of innovation, newness, and perhaps what it means to be human?

Why wander?

Cindy walking ghost

The etymology of the word “wander” is great. It means for us to roam, and to fly around!

Thus, to wander is to fly. And of course, flying is good.

Wandering in photography

Cindy project

The more we wander as photographers, the more likely we are to see good photo opportunities.

I believe it’s in our human DNA to wander, to explore, to see new things, to desire to pave new paths, and to desire to gain more dominion over the world! Anything that supports our flight and wandering is good.

This is why I love having a nomadic lifestyle; it allows me to wander and explore more!

I think once we lose the desire to wander and explore, we start to die.

To wander also means to love new adventures, to be bold and courageous-curious, and for us to dare.

I think as kids, we are all born with a spirit of wandering. We don’t like to stay in boxes or cages. We like to be “free range” children. We like to turn over rocks, we like to see new things and places, and we like to learn by ourselves; to witness, experience, and see something with our own two eyes! I could care less about what others say about traveling or the world; I want to have the power to make my own judgments and decisions by myself.

Greed and Wandering

The more we have a spirit of exploration or wandering, the more “greedy” (computer science-algorithm term) we are to exploit new opportunities, chances, and opportunities to augment our minds and strength.

In other words,

Greed is good. (Gordon Gecko)

Let your spirit of curiosity and wandering drive you forth. Seek out new sources of knowledge, innovation, and daring drive you forward.

Don’t let “prudence” and risk-aversion hold you back. Desire to be “risk loving”. If you learn to love risk, how can you ever be bored in life?