Better to lie than to tell the truth


Money vs Property?

Interesting idea — what if you no longer need money, but just care to own property — Bitcoin


56 times

Bitcoin refinery

Exposure to macro and crypto economies, securities


Strike, new capital structure

Lower volatility, lower leverage –> fixed income

Fixed debt instrument

Oil refinery

Take crude capital, high performing products

High performing and volatile stock price

112% up a year, past 4 years…. almost double Bitcoin!

Outperform Bitcoin with more bitcoin! ***

2x performance Bitcoin

63% a year, bitcoin

Outperform the Bitcoin ***

2000% percent, 2x over Nvidia

The most volatile stock in SP500 universe!

High volatility, black sholes,,, fed options market

New type of investor interested in MSTR

NOVELTY, #6 most optioned stock

6 most liquid stock

1 most optioned stock, as percent of market cap, #1 most liquid stock in SP 500 universe!

Drives open interest, attract new investors


Largest option interest market

Option volume

20x larger


Just being a good dad is my new goal!


Volatility drives liquidity

$81B size of options market!

29x bigger than MARA

MARA,, only $3b


MSTR is the benchmark

Strike is a convertible preferred stock


MSTR, the most common stock with the most exposure to BTC


preferred equity, preferred convertible equity, built on BTC




High performance levered bitcoin

8% fixed dividend, perpetual uncapped call

Perpetual dividend

1000$ strike call on call option, on MSTR

anti dilution protection

STRK –> traded

Strike (STRK), microstrategy oriented investors

Security, less sensitive on upside and downside of BTC

MSTR , more volatility, more leverage


MSTR. $100b market cap, 684% return, volatility 117%!


How to calculate volatility?

Volatility vs Risk

You can calculate volatility. Not risk?


Things which last forever, high durability but low quality or not useful?


The point of life is adventure,

Buy the dip!


Fixed income investors


6-7% yield

High yield corporate bonds

Strike , have the yield but upside, crypto curious, want exposure or MSTR


hybrid instrument! ***

Complementary to convertible bonds


Convertible bond to capital market , 4 letter ticker, STRK




225%, 154%. 113%…

160%, 79%,



uncapped call option. $1,000 up forever!

Uncapped ***


Don’t we always want to be uncapped?

Strike instrument


STRK vs MSTR convertibles

Dividend, 8%,


I love performance!


Superior MSTR participation, dividends, liquidity and investor access

Long term !

MSTR stock price –>


Convertible notes

Tenor ***

4-8 years


Hundreds of dollars, $1,000
. … $5,000 stock price forever


$50B bitcoin holdings

Debt coverage

$105,000 per Bitcoin

$233 , trade down to be out of the money

17x coverage!


$20M dividend obligation

Pro Forma Value ***

Strike dividends

Annual STRK Dividends


315 years of strike dividends


Pro Forma Capital Structure


Equity cushion ***

Meet liabilities and obligation

Bitcoin cushion, equity cushion


Bare skin

Valuation Framework


8% perpetual dividend, perpetual call option on MSTR


key value drivers

BTC coverage, volatility, MSTR price


Forecast for MSTR stock price, volatility


The future of Bitcoin, Bitcoin volatility


Strategic part of capital structure

Convertible bond strategy

Complementary ***

Create more intelligent leverage


Expand access to capital structure to entire Bitcoin ecosystem

Another source of intelligent leverage for MSTR

sell additional shares of STRK. via ATM–> interesting option




Grow asset

Price and finalize Thursday


Too hot! Too much winning!





$50B bitcoin holdings


56 announcements

Part of the master plan!

Adjust leverage, fund potential dividends




High volatility, high leverage

MSTR Equity



Creating a new ecosystem into yourself?

Energy company

Oil company

Bitcoin is the new oil!


More refined, less refined


Firm yet flexible

Prospect & drill

More refined, less refined


High performing, high volatility

112% , 63% BTC

MAT 7, 30%,

Double double double

Intelligently lever our bitcoin


How to lever, leverage your bitcoin?

63% a year

Outperform the Bitcoin ***

27x, 4x.

777% NVIDIA, 7x

2,761% MSTR, 27x

777% BTC, 4 years


Estée Lauder



Volatility, novelty.


Daily trading volume

8.5b, more than Amazon, alphabet, Netflix.

Bitcoin entertainment > Netflix?***

Bitcoin entertainment is the future?


Bitcoin-powered entertainment, streaming


100% vs 32%

0.5% vs 5.2%

