Human Behavior
So I think the whole time my quest was seeking to understand human behavior; this is my primary focus and inquiry about almost everything, my primum mobile, my first moving force.
For example, I think my introduction to sociology and psychology philosophy and now economics actually is all around this question.
Is human behavior “rational”?
According to Mises, and the Austrian school of economics, they believe it is rational. Not rational like if we think it is wise or foolish, but rational in so far much as giving individual agents, individual human beings dignity and respect, and knowing that as much as we might like to wag fingers about them doing something foolish, in fact, there is a deeper sense of logic that we may not understand on a superficial level, but there is often a deeper sense of meaning that we must try to decipher.
For example, when I often look at the behaviors of others, it seems befuddling to me, and also foolish on my end. But, I’m probably 100% certain the other people think the same about myself. And it seems unfitting for me to just put myself on a pedestal, and assume that all of my thoughts actions aims and desires are supreme, and everybody else beneath me is inferior.
The truth is I actually see myself as a pretty ordinary normal kind of average person. I think perhaps instead, my superpower lies around the fact that i’m kind of like a big kid, like I’m the most curious person that I personally know. And I think in modern day times, especially becoming an adult, I think curiosity is courageous. 
why do we like to criticize and critique other people?
So what is the number one favorite past time of Americans? Criticizing and critiquing the parenting behaviors of others.
First, if people gonna wanna act basic in a way that you don’t approve of, why do you care? Like are you going to pick it McDonald’s and Starbucks Frappuccino’s, trying to tell everyone not to consume it? To me this is kind of a waste of time and not very effective.
So then if I think about this deeply, why is it that we criticizing critique other people, their behaviors their thoughts the way they spend their money etc.?
First, I cannot speak for other people but let me talk from my perspective.
So for myself, maybe for me I’m trying to put myself in the issues of others, and essentially I’m just trying to share information knowledge wisdom experiences , trying to “help”others, as if I was them.
Now the reason why this might not always be a good thing is that there are a lot of people who do not want to be “helped”. There are some people who want to simply keep to themselves, and they don’t want to be disturbed, and that’s totally cool too.
Before seeking to understand others, seek to understand yourself?
So one big idea I have is maybe the losing bet is trying to work so hard to understand other people. Isn’t it more effective to try to seek to understand yourself?
So obviously everyone thinks different and is different, but I do think that maybe, by using yourself as your own magnifying glass, you could seek to understand all of humanity. Why?
First, my honest belief is that humans are more similar than dissimilar.  and also human motivations and desires have not changed much from ancient Greece. So for example this is where I find that reading to Emily Wilson translations of the Elliot and now the odyssey are really really fascinating because it gives us better insight into maybe more core critical human values, human nature in general?
Why does it matter?
My personal belief is that if you understand the route of human behavior action desires activity etc.… you kind of understand everything.
For example, in the context of sociology… My greatest Boon to studying sociology was it was like my gateway drug to understanding all of human society, and also, individual human actions and activities.
For example, sociology got me into psychology, which then got me into social media, social media marketing and blogging, and also… If history and travel and lifestyle, then philosophy, stoicism, Zen Zen Buddhism Taoism wabi sabi, ethics, aesthetics, and now the philosophy of money economics and bitcoin.
Curiosity is infinite
What is the greatest moving force on the planet? Curiosity. Curiosity means what you care for.
You cannot fake curiosity, nor can you force it. It is simply something that is natural innate, that which flows from within you.
And I think that may be the root of curiosity is enthusiasm, a god dwelling within you. Also the same notion of having a purpose in life, a passion, all kind of a similar thing.
my new purpose in life
I think it is not zero son; you can have more than one purpose in life, directive in life, imperative in life.
But once again, assuming that like 90% of the world’s problems are rooted in the economic, shouldn’t the Y strategy be to try to seek to understand “fix” or at least address the economic question?
I think when it comes down to it if you could just pinpoint one thing, it will always be 100% about the economy.
it’s the economy stupid!
Carthage must burn!
What is capitalism?
Capitalism economics, economic theory, it is all very critical.
So currently I think the modern day economists are the ones who are being fed endowment checks from Ivy League universities from Harvard Yale etc., and everyone is giving them the big bucks because they’re like the new modern day wizards or sorcerers. The general idea is if we could fund the economist to understand economic question, this will make the institution super super rich.
I cannot speak for institutions because I am just an individual and human being. And my whole realm of care is pretty small; my sphere of concern is myself, Cindy and Seneca, my mom, my sister and her future family and that’s pretty much it. This is my real family.
So first, my first imperative was securing a glorious and splendid future for myself Cindy Seneca my mom in our future growing family. And everything is optimized around this.
Other people are too abstract
So from the get-go, I’ve always only ever been interested in practical matters. Even the reason why I love Stoicism Zen and Taoism so much is that it actually applies to real reality. Even my interest in sociology was it was really really practical useful has real utility in the real world! I still will never forget my horrifying experience studying basic introduction to philosophy class in which the professor, tried to turn logical thinking into mathematics? This horrified me forever. Remember as an undergraduate, desiring to study philosophy, trying to figure out the meaning of life etc., and being stuck doing this insane mathematical equations?
Maybe instead of goals, pathways are a more interesting idea. A Pak, pathway is kind of the general direction you tread, and go. And obviously there is a lot of flexibility which is possible here.
And what are the ultimate goals?
I think human human nature or at least for myself is about the zest of life of striving for more! For example, growth is a primary motivator to me.
I’ll give you example, increase overtime, yield overtime. For example, a very simple way to understand things for myself is that I like to see the number go up! Change over time brings me joy. 
For example, in terms of bitcoin, finances and monetary yield, I’d like to see the number go up, not down!
Also with weightlifting, powerlifting one rep Max lifting etc., I love to see my one rep Max numbers go up!
Even look at myself in the mirror, flexing my arms and biceps and seeing the growth of my biceps my triceps, my whole body. This brings me infinite joy, also seeing my body gaining a beautiful glow and bronze tan.
Even the joy of getting a clean fresh haircut from Cindy. Makes me feel so great and handsome!
why have a kid 
Assuming that your life is about joy maximization, having kids wireless one kid seems to make the most sense.
For example, Odysseus and his son; fighting together teaming up together, busting out the arrows and killing the suitors in hilarious fashion.
What is it that Odysseus wanted? It was super simple, just to go back home! To go back to his home  in Ithaca, with his wife Penelope, and his son. To grow old in his own land, with his wealth.
My goals?
What are my personal goals?
For myself, I want to stack the bitcoin into infinity and beyond. I want to buy it up all of it, .
So I was doing some mathematics, and it came to my attention that my favorite neighborhood of all time is comprise of 340 plots of land. Each plot of land being worth at least 1 million or $1.1 million.
So a simple mathematical equation is assuming that one plot of land is equivalent to one bitcoin, which means even right now… I believe the true worth of a bitcoin even in 2024 should be at least 1 million or $1.1 million.
So if I was a super awesome capitalist, I would just buy up the whole neighborhood. All 340 plots of land.
For example, each little square block in my neighborhood has about 20 single-family homes, or at least 20 lots of land. Each plot of land is subdivided into around 5000 ft.².
And then there is about 17 square blocks, so 340 is 17×20.
The new real estate is cyber real estate
So let us break it down real estate, or property. Or a single-family home whatever.
First, the goal is to own the land, how much land? you want to own the best land, the most prime land, in the most prime location, there is no second best.
So for example, it is my personal belief that in all of America maybe, Culver City, Los Angeles, CA 90232 is like 100% the best city in America, maybe the planet.
Why? Supreme weather, supreme infrastructure, and a relatively small and modest city which feels like a big town. I think of Culver City like travel town, also another railroad LA public park you got to check out with your kid.
Anyways, I think the thing with physical land and zoning which is interesting is that I guess you could expand the zoning of a city in a province but still… Even if you expand it upwards, there will be some other spots some other epicenters which are superior to other ones.
There is no second best
I think this is a really really difficult concept to grasp, probably one of the best nuggets of wisdom from Michael Saylor.
So for example, the best or nothing.
Certainly the best car to own even if you were a trillionaire, in terms of comfort convenience and quality is probably a Lexus car. Not a loser Rolls-Royce, which is essentially a BMW with a body kit, not a Mercedes which is an unreliable triangle German loser car, not a Porsche which is essentially a Volkswagen beetle with a body kit, not a Lamborghini which is essentially a Volkswagen Passat on steroids, Not a Ferrari which is just like the ultimate deflationary asset?
Certainly it is like Tesla or nothing. There is no second best electric vehicle. Tesla is the only electric vehicle.
Bitcoin is the same. There is no second best. Not loser Ethereum, which is like having a Samsung android smart phone, the functionality might be better but nobody wants it. Everyone will always want the newest iPhone Pro, which is essentially like bitcoin. Except bitcoin is like 1 trillion times more valuable because it is an appreciating asset, rather than an iPhone Pro which is just a carpal tunnel inducing device, like a vape cigarette, an electronic cigarette.
People always talk about how bitcoin is bad for the planet, but don’t you fools realize that apple is bad for the planet? Apple is essentially leveraging slave labor in mainland China, fox con, putting up nuts so workers don’t commit suicide, and then getting all these millennials, Gen Z vegans to purchase these overpriced iPhones? Apple might be the real scourge to the planet not bitcoin or meat.
Spreading the gospel of bitcoin
I’m  starting to get the sense that actually… Maybe bitcoin will become the new religion, maybe it already is?
Michael Saylor is like one of the living prophets, kind of like Saint Jude, or one of the patron Saints, like Patrick said on his podcast.
Also, Satoshi is like the new Jesus who did the immaculate conception and ascended back into heaven, disappearing forever.
Maybe Vitalik of Ethereum is like the guy who is building the statue of Babel? The new tower of Babel?
Why bitcoin is so ethical
Once again, it is an acid without an issuer, it is like gold, it is ethical. However, it is 1 trillion times more ethical than gold because gold is dug up using slave labor, human slave labor, and all this toxic chemicals and pollution created to harvest it from the Earth.
What is also interesting to me from an environmental perspective is that the goal of a minor will always be to use the cheapest electricity to mine bitcoin. So in fact, the intelligence strategy if you were a minor is to just power your whole mining operation with like nuclear energy or other innovative energy sources which cost pretty much nothing. The downside of coal is that actually it is pretty expensive, ignore the fig news from mainland China.
Also another dirty secret, the only reason why bitcoin got all this fake news about it being bad for the planet was Sam Bankman-Fried, the scam artist behind FTX, essentially paid millions of dollars to Democrats, Tom Brady, politicians influencers and the like and media outlets, also to major league baseball whatever, to spread this fake notion that bitcoin was bad for the planet, because he just wanted to pump up his own fake FTT coin, which is essentially like cotton candy.
This is where the whole notion of proof of stake is positively moronic; only real value could be from real work, based in physics, physical reality. You must have to consume real electronic analog energy to produce a bitcoin which is what gives it its value. Not proof mistake which is just like an American colonist pulling up to the shores, putting a flag staking it into the ground and saying “this belongs to me!”
If you are anti-colonialism, you do not believe in proof of stake. 
a new, more ethical form of capitalism?
I think this is a really really really big idea. The idea and belief in fact, bitcoin could actually become a more ethical form of capitalism?
Cyber capitalism
So the big idea here is that cyber capitalism, if we think cyberspace, it is all so much more ethical.
For example, in cyberspace there is no human death, no missiles, no refugees or hostages no human genocide.
In cyberspace, it is all about wisdom truth, sovereignty and rights.
For example, in cyberspace, no human beings are ever harmed. And if we think about the new arms race, the new arms race should simply be a bitcoin arms race, the basic idea that in fact, instead of stockpiling nukes, we stockpile the bitcoin instead!
Building your own war chest for your family
We are still in year zero of bitcoin, starting January 2025 will be year one.
So one of the first very simple ideas I have is that currently, the use cases of bitcoin is still sparse. Imagine and remember the early days of the iPhone, in the early days of the App Store. I wonder if in the near future there will be some sort of bitcoin App Store, in which you could use your bitcoins for like infinite functions?
Even right now… You’re starting to see innovation happen, like people using bitcoin to back big loans, mortgages and the like?
JP Morgan will buy bitcoin sooner or later
JP Morgan Chase, I just actually found out that they are essentially sponsoring text stars LA, and assuming that JP Morgan Chase is all about money, monetary technology and wealth, wealth preservation and growth, it would almost be foolish for them to not build up their own bitcoin treasury reserve assets.
MicroStrategy is the sexiest stock and company on the planet
I think also what makes Michael Saylor so great relatable, and human is that he has done so many interviews video podcast interviews and the like, with pretty much everybody, and you get to see him as a real human being. Also his Twitter is amazing it is the only one I follow.
And it’s kind of crazy… Micro strategy is almost close to 400,000 bitcoins and if you go to,  and just look at the simple graphs, and also the simple numerical tables and balances and balance sheets, all of the micro strategy bitcoin buys have yielded a grand profit! It’s all green!
New economics
Maybe the new field of economics is more like personal economics,  your own personal economic theory for yourself, your kids your family etc.
I guess the ultimate Takeaway point is you must posit this for yourself, not get it from others.