So I think the whole time my quest was seeking to understand human behavior; this is my primary focus and inquiry about almost everything, my primum mobile, my first moving force.
For example, I think my introduction to sociology and psychology philosophy and now economics actually is all around this question.
Is human behavior “rational”?
According to Mises, and the Austrian school of economics, they believe it is rational. Not rational like if we think it is wise or foolish, but rational in so far much as giving individual agents, individual human beings dignity and respect, and knowing that as much as we might like to wag fingers about them doing something foolish, in fact, there is a deeper sense of logic that we may not understand on a superficial level, but there is often a deeper sense of meaning that we must try to decipher.
For example, when I often look at the behaviors of others, it seems befuddling to me, and also foolish on my end. But, I’m probably 100% certain the other people think the same about myself. And it seems unfitting for me to just put myself on a pedestal, and assume that all of my thoughts actions aims and desires are supreme, and everybody else beneath me is inferior.
The truth is I actually see myself as a pretty ordinary normal kind of average person. I think perhaps instead, my superpower lies around the fact that i’m kind of like a big kid, like I’m the most curious person that I personally know. And I think in modern day times, especially becoming an adult, I think curiosity is courageous. 
why do we like to criticize and critique other people?
So what is the number one favorite past time of Americans? Criticizing and critiquing the parenting behaviors of others.
First, if people gonna wanna act basic in a way that you don’t approve of, why do you care? Like are you going to pick it McDonald’s and Starbucks Frappuccino’s, trying to tell everyone not to consume it? To me this is kind of a waste of time and not very effective.
So then if I think about this deeply, why is it that we criticizing critique other people, their behaviors their thoughts the way they spend their money etc.?
First, I cannot speak for other people but let me talk from my perspective.
So for myself, maybe for me I’m trying to put myself in the issues of others, and essentially I’m just trying to share information knowledge wisdom experiences , trying to “help”others, as if I was them.
Now the reason why this might not always be a good thing is that there are a lot of people who do not want to be “helped”. There are some people who want to simply keep to themselves, and they don’t want to be disturbed, and that’s totally cool too.