Maybe this is what real freedom is… The freedom to dictate what your values are, and only pursuit values which you care for and to eschew values you don’t care for? 
The best asset gets you 1000x
300T into Bitcoin
Utility is the capacity of a thing to serve for the satisfaction of human needs,
Utility –> capacity for a thing to satisfy a human need
The physical man
Practical activity of men
What do you truly value?
Our wills, our habits
Imaginary value —
–> we think a thing will have a value for us, but in reality doesn’t?
Value only in the context of the minds of men 
Consciousness in mind of men
Objectification of the value of goods
–> this is subjective
Actual life
I Seek a Courageous Life, Not a “Productive” One
Subjective vs objective differences
Subjective vs objective factor
Set of magnitudes
Passing enjoyment or increase of comfort
Increase of our well being.
More or less complete satisfaction
Different satisfactions
directed to the fullest possible satisfaction of their needs (economizing).
The fullest possible satisfaction of our needs
Satisfy as completely as possible
Concrete needs
Command of units
Just buy what is cheap
Do you want 10 pounds of biscuits or 10 pounds of ribeye steak ?
We impute value into goods
High value
I hate dark and wet rooms
Value determination
You determine your own value ***
Grade of seed
…grade of semen
Labor and value