Family Matters

The future of family 

Thinking About The Future of Your Family 

I think this is the enlightening thing about having kids or a child, either one kid or several kids or whatever… Starting to plan and think about the future.

The future of family

One of the most interesting things that I learn from the California science center, especially when going to the biology section the circle of life biological ecosystem thing is that ultimately, what is the purpose of life? Simply put, the purpose of life is to procreate, produce offspring, create the next generations forward. 

The funny and strange irony that I see nowadays is this bizarre anti-children movement. Some of these world-weary people say instead:

Nay! Life is all suffering misery and badness. Do not have children, they are the worst thing on the planet, they increase the carbon footprint blah blah blah. More virtuous instead to adopt a rescue dog,  go vegan or plant-based something, and to be antisocial and to just spend the rest of your life being less of a nuisance on others as possible.

I love being a nuisance!

Perhaps one of my funny interventions is that I love being the troll, being loud and ratchet, being annoying and being the nuisance.

I think this is where I have been so disruptive in my life, I have always distain this notion of being same same, being boring, being meek and passive etc.

I think ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to be the most alpha, the most superior, the most supreme.

Now is a adult… This trend is continuing. And now, I am imputing this ethos into Seneca, the next generation.

“So you think you’re so special huh?”

Yes! I also think you’re special! And so is your kids, your friend, your neighbor, the antisocial people around you.

The truth is we are all special! Purely from a biological perspective, even if you wanted to be 100% molecularly similar to people around you, you couldn’t. And I think this is a good thing.

Variety is a spice of life, as is human being! This is where I think that all cultures all peoples all ideas are wonderful; it just comes down to what you decide to choose for yourself.

Superior vs inferior?

Ultimately when it comes down to it… I think it just comes down to military might. Why is it that America reigns supreme? Our military force. I think we have at least 100,000 X the fighting force or the military force on the planet, mainland China China PRC is still about 1000 years behind.

Maybe the primary strength that we got going for us is our control of the seas, the navy. The other day I was in the San Diego waterfront, seeing a massive airplane carrier… It is insane… fighter jets land on this thing? 

Even today, the most effective way to move goods along the planet is the sea. He who controls the sea controls the planet.

Thinking for yourself yourself vs your kids

Being self interested is a good thing as is being self interested in the well-being of your kids, your future family, your wife your spouse your kids, their kids, their kids kids kids.

I think this is the primary way to understand King Leonidas, the valor of the Spartan 300. They were fighting for the freedom of future Spartans, not current Spartans. 

Perhaps this is what we all desire, some sort of mission or impetus to live for some sort of grazier cause, beyond ourselves. Simply live for ourselves is too limiting, and also a bit depressing?

How people do it

“Libri aut libri” once said Nietzsche — which was a Latin pun he made up which meant “either books or children”– talking about women in specific, that typically women only have enough fertility or physiological energy to write books, or to produce children. Cindy defied everything she did both!

I think what a lot of single artists do who decide not to have kids — or philosophers etc. is they think of the future human race as all of their metaphorical children. The same thing with celibate priest; they guide the way for all the young youth and kids inside the parish. 

Ultimately, I think the reality is that your life does matter. What you do, will change the planet. Especially if you have access to an Internet connection, some sort of public facing website or blog etc. Even other simple things like starting your own YouTube channel or podcast uploading it online etc. Not social media.

Already, I am shocked… Instagram, which seemed unstoppable for a long time, is already getting upended by TikTok — a very suspicious entity I think owned by Tencent —  super evil mega corporation based in mainland China, which I also believe runs League of Legends, RIOT games, etc. 

In fact, I think we should have zero concerns about some sort of military battle against mainland China, ain’t gonna happen. America the USA, we have thousands of battle cruisers, all with Yamato canon, siege tanks, bunkers, etc. And all the mainland Chinese have is millions of Zerglings. 

Or another analogy, America is like having 1000 Protas icons, all defending a single chokepoint like the spartan 300 and the hot gates, and once again, all China has is Zerglings. 

Well we have to be concerned instead is how China is Nicoli intercepting the minds of our future youth; I already see it now, I watched the last Pacific Rim fighting movie with robots, the second one, and there was a very strange part of the movie where the mainland Chinese came in, helped invest, and then somehow the North American alliance was able to defeat the kaiju monsters? I’m very certain that the film was funded by some sort of Shanghai mainland Chinese company.

Also an unrelated note… because Apple computer is in bed with Foxconn– mainland Chinese corporation that produces all your lovely iPhone Pros — maybe ultimately, it isn’t even nations or nation states we should be concerned about, but big technology companies that govern our entire existences like Apple computer, Google, Amazon etc.?

For example, Google pretty much owns email at this point. I don’t know a single person who does not have a Gmail account. But also, something that I’ve been learning through some sort of updates on my email newsletter platform is that Google and Gmail is rolling out all these new requirements, and if you don’t update or abide by their rules, your emails or your email newsletters will not reach Gmail accounts, which probably accounts for at least 50% of all emails on the Internet.

Imagine if one day it does not like you, and revokes your right to email and Gmail account. Bad news.