Last forever — immortal, move at the speed of light

Animal vs electrical power?

Donkey power or clean electricity

Electricity vs donkey power to move the human race forever


  1. Is it ethical?
  2. Is it economically sound?


  1. Do no harm– first do no harm.


  1. Already healthy 850B — 10x, 10x again in the future — evident.
  2. 100x where we are, layer 2-5.


There is nothing to “fix” about Bitcoin

You only get to play god once ***

Satoshi did it — Satoshi was Bitcoin god.


Alpha male full of hubris — Julius Caesar, Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler, every king and most leaders — 10k of them

Start underdog, decide to conquer, lose entire armies … they die, Alexander the Great it all falls apart 1 generation ghenghis khan —

Manifest destiny? — god told them?

Stoic Principle

You can acquire the thing, 10x harder to maintain, 100x harder to prosper and enjoy.

Can you prosper for next 100 years?

Can’t afford to maintain?

Can’t maintain empire —

Highly predictable


Start my own bank?

Beware of men with god complexes ***

Most Medicine and law is iatrogenic —

Developers are the lawyers of cyberspace ***

Laws cripple economy


$10,000 is not that much? Or is it? 100x it —

Hundred and thousands of times — end of the world

Global consensus


The end is near? Always wrong

Killed by the upgrade ***

You’re not god!

Upgrades can kill you!

Code is a liability ***

Liability vs Asset?


If it ain’t broken don’t upgrade it


First clone it


Don’t corrupt the network


Bitcoin Developer?


Open Source standard

Korean WON is useless.


KRW is useless ***


Bitcoin can survive any failure of layer 3 layer —


Don’t add or increase complexity —


Hundreds of billions of dollars — create the next Bitcoin Facebook or Microsoft?


How to code on Bitcoin?

Just risk it —

Trillion dollars worth of BTC



Political headaches — layer 3

How to fix your posture?


Think Longer

Soft Force


Bitcoin is Power ***– pure power.


Bitcoin > USD > KRW


Korea is on the way out? Why? No more kids or citizens


Vibrant bitcoin economy