Beyoncé is White

I don’t trust Beyoncé, I like her music, but… ultimately, I think she is not spectacular.

First, she is not a true feminist. If she really were, she would have divorced Jay Z a long time ago. Beyonce only cares about money, which is why she is still married to Jay Z even though he has cheated on her 1000 billion times. Ironically enough, I bet you that Kim Kardashian has better moral ethics than Beyoncé, at least Kim Kardashian had the wisdom to divorce Kanye West.

Racial makeup doesn’t make one ethnicity

I had this experience when I was in New England, on the East Coast, I met this one kid who was an Ivy League kid, with morphological features which made him look African-American. But ultimately I figured that he was just a white boy.

What does it mean to be “white”?

Whiteness has nothing to do with ethnicity, race, your family heritage or background. To me the notion of being white is simple:

How many generations has your family lived in America, and also, how much cultural heritage do you have left?

Being “white-washed”

I remember growing up in the East Bay, Alameda Oakland, 510 area code, I was born in 1988… In high school it was the apex of the hyphy movement, stupid dumb and hyphy, yellow bus retarded— E40, Keak da Sneak, etc.

One of the worst insults you could actually you could have at somebody was being “whitewashed”. Or I still recall, when my sister would ask simple things like having her own room or whatever… I would keep teasing her and saying “quit being so white”.

Similarly speaking, there were simple cultural things:

  1. To be “white” there was a certain style you assumed, things you were into, the way you dressed, behaved, etc. For example, all of that Asian American kids were whitewashed would dress in booty shorts and UGG boots, they would wear flip-flops and rainbows, They would really be into surfing the beach, bonfires, Hollister, and this weird punk emo music, They will talk a certain way, wear seashell necklaces etc.

Your heritage?

Growing up in the east Bay, Alameda Oakland, was super fascinating for me because all my friends were Asian American, and I felt like my school was about 60 to 70% Asian Asian American. We ran the show.

Also later, getting into UCLA, which also at the time felt dominated mostly by Asian kids, I never felt like the minority.

Now being an adult?