How to Make Money With Crypto

Crypto, cryptocurrency; this seems like the new gold rush. The question:

How do I actually make real life money on it?

The ways

The first simple one is to buy a certain cryptocurrency asset, at a certain price, sit on it, and cross your fingers that it will accrue and value. Later on, if you want to cop a profit, you could just sell it.

Bitcoin vs $US DOLLARS?

This is where things get interesting; still now, we think of the US dollar, the USD as superior to a bitcoin or a Satoshi. We seem to make this foolish distinction:

The profit is not real unless I take my bitcoin, and convert it into cash, US dollars, and then if I do that… *then* it will be a profit.

But, like Michael Saylor says, what you should be doing is trying to take all your Fiat currency, a.k.a. your US dollars, and converting it all in to bitcoin, while you can.

June 2012

Michael Saylor wrote a book called the mobile wave, all the way back in 2012, it is currently 2024, 12 years ago. Some things promised:

  • A Harvard education will be available to anyone with the touch of a screen.
  • Cash will become virtual software and crime proof. 
  • Cars, homes, fruit, animals, and more will be “tagged” so they can tell you about themselves. 
  • Buying an item will be as easy as pointing our mobile device to scan and pay.
  • Land and capital will become more of a liability than an asset.
  • Social mobile media will push all businesses to think and act like software companies.
  • Employment will shift as more service-oriented jobs are automated by mobile software.

It looks like Michael Saylor was pretty spot on. First, education is practically free at this point, you can gain access to the worlds best thinkers, simply through YouTube, podcasts, etc.

I find the interesting thing is thinking of cash like virtual software, also, land and capital becoming more of a liability than an asset .