“How dare you change NOT to my liking!”

The philosophy of change is interesting. On one hand, certainly everything in life is change and this is good. For example, each and every single day and each and every single moment, the molecules in our body are constantly changing reconfiguration themselves etc. Some things are growing and others are atrophying etc.

“You’ve changed”

I’m starting to think more more that Americans are pretty stupid. For example we see our old elementary middle school high school friends or college friends and they say “You’ve changed…” or even worse— “You haven’t changed at all!”

When people say this, I’m not really certain what they mean.

on one hand, change and growing up and growth is seen as a good thing. On one hand it is seen as bad, especially when it is contrary to what other people think you should be.

Lifestyle changes

Obviously your life and lifestyle is going to change once you have a kid, pregnancy, early days, childbirth, infancy years, years 1, 2 and three and beyond.

To wish and desire and hope or think—

“ I wish things were the way they used to be before…”

This is insane.

Life is Dynamic

This is where I am thinking more and more,,, life should be modular.