My insane ambition — the empowerment of every single human being?

What is the “meaning” of life?

How to lift more — improve your leverages.

How to amp yourself up.

I want to go back to Seoul.

Seoul Workshop

Mankind has nothing we need to “improve”

Personal self development and self inspiration goals and approach.

Which cities or locations inspire me?

You best distinguish yourself by what you don’t do!

Genuine or not?


$1500 a passenger … full flight?

$405,000 a flight?

When in doubt just fly and travel away!

The philosophy of self confidence

What does it mean to “entrepreneur”?

What do you want to do with your handsomeness and self confidence ?

Invest in your mind

Who or what have I outgrown?

My mind knows no bounds or limits

On sacrificing your life for your children

Extremely jubilant

Being in public as a performance and a play?

My ideal life is a life of maximal brightness, sun brightness?

Maximally bright devices?

Drama is bad.

Expand your world.