Parenting Thoughts: On Being a Father

Pater — father. Life’s ultimate joy, especially if you have a son!

The heir to the throne?

It seems that all men desire to have at least one son. Whenever you see a family of two girls, three girls, or even four girls, you could definitely see that the family tried to have a son, but didn’t and stopped.

Your son is a mini you

If you are a man, a father, and you have a son, let us realize and recognize that your son is just a mini you. Don’t you desire your son to become so insanely epic, 1 billion times better than you?

To compare your kid to any other kid is mediocritizing

Why is competition and comparison so bad? It mediocritizes. It is a form of standardization, standardization is bad. Do you want to make your kids standard, or a new level?

Having kids is insanely underrated

Modern day society, and new millennial norms are degenerate. I find it frightening with modern day millennial norms to think that nowadays everyone just wants a dog, a cat, and no kids. To just travel the world, go to Japan, and eat good food.

I am pro kids, anti-pets. Anti-dogs, anti-cats.