Why Korea?

How Korea is interesting to me:

First of all, my general sense is that Korea just feels like America junior. Korean modern ideals are very similar to American ideals. The only difference is when you’re in Korea, everyone looks Korean and speaks Korean. But essentially, the modern Korean is American.

Secondly, being Korean American, I have strong clout and influence here. Knowing English and being fluent in English is a huge plus, and also looking Korean is good to look the part.

Third, Korea is like a limitless playground. It is the ultimate urban jungle, with infinite possibilities. You could attempt to visit all of the subway station areas in Korea, and never bore.

Fourth, Korea is at an interesting inflection point in which the old population outstrips the young and new population. I can see the population decline happening right before my very eyes. Barely any new kids, only new dogs (just like America, but worse).

Fifth, very easy being an American or foreigner here. Visa is accepted almost anywhere, and everyone uses Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Google Maps etc. Apparently you can even use Uber here! (I didn’t know).

Six, Korea is actually doing a good job becoming more lax with tourism and travel and Covid restrictions. Compare this with Japan which is pretty much on foreigner lockdown.

Seven, South Korea has lots of disposable income. They are relatively rich. Certain new concepts have not penetrated the main stream like gym culture, Lululemon tights for women, etc. A lot of opportunity for foreign investment.

Eight, at this point Korea is quite bilingual in English. Even if you didn’t know any Korean, if you could live a pretty good life here.

Nine, I love taking the subway, the bus, and the urban city and street life. It is a street photography paradise.