John Wick — fresh new story. Batman; we keep recycling the same old story, and just re-articulate it. John Wick is more interesting and fun, because it is totally a ‘carte blanche’ story, so more opportunities for innovation in the story line. I actually *like* the sequels, as it builds upon a totally new storyline and universe, and *builds upon* this brand new John Wick universe.
Also, John Wick is more ‘realistic’ in some sense. Blood-thirsty revenge, and killing people is no concern. Whereas Batman is too moralized, John Wick seems like a more interesting or ‘relatable’ person.
For example, in the first John Wick film, perhaps at least 300 people are killed in the first 30 minutes. With Batman, none.
Also as much as I loved the new BATMAN film, it seems that the new Batman is more anaemic, less ‘buff’, and not as physically strong or imposing as even the Christian Bale Batman.
Also, John Wick is great because Chad S (Keanu’s former stuntman) is both stunt man *AND* director– one of the most unique combinations.
Also, Batman has too much “daddy issues” and inner conflict and drama. John Wick doesn’t — he just wants bloodthirsty revenge, then survival, then revenge (again).