The Majority is Bad

What is it that we desire? Popular acclaim. It seems the common prejudice is the more, the better. for example, if you have an event, it is deemed more successful as the more people who attended it. Also the popularity of a video, in terms of how many views he gets, is considered the ultimate badge of worth.

But is this true? I think not. if we think that popularity, the numbers were the Apex importance, then McDonald’s would be the worlds best “restaurant“, that Starbucks would be the worlds best coffee, and whatever product has the most five star reviews on Amazon would be the best product (often not the case). Or whatever pop song is trending right now is the best music.

The rare for the rare. The more rare the better. For example, better to be the one guy who owns the Porsche GT 3 than be the same guy who has a Tesla model 3. And certainly better to think differently from the masses, and to own your own table of values, than follow the common prejudice that the more money you have, the more successful you are.