seneca side face composition red line

An observation:

Things which I don’t like about how parents treat or raise kids … I see this same critique in adults.

For example, I don’t like it when kids have too many toys (they get bored too easily, and it just clutters up the home). Yet, the same toy analogy applies to adults. Men with too many toys, this to me is also un-aesthetic.

So the simple idea:

With child-rearing matters, or looking at adults… just don’t do and emulate that which you don’t like or critique.

Or in other words,

When you see a parent raising a child in a certain way you don’t like, rather than just criticizing them … take a mental note and end up *NOT* doing that to your kid.

For example, I hate it when kids are just pacified with their iPhones or iPads. I will never get Seneca an iPhone or iPad. If he ever wants one, I will encourage him to get a job to buy one himself.

The same goes with birthday presents. It is a bit bizarre that kids get ‘something for nothing’. Perhaps on birthdays, use that chance to not get them stuff, but buy them experiences. And the day that it is the birthday of your kid, best to celebrate the mother instead (who had to labor in order to get the child into the world, which is the *true* labor).