Piggy Back Innovation

To innovate best to piggy back off the dominant platform or technology.

Don’t start totally blank slate

For example, if you want to make a website or blog, don’t code it from scratch. Better to start with wordpress.org.

The future of the Blockchain

Another thought: rather than starting your own new Blockchain, better to piggyback off the dominant Blockchain, which is Ethereum.


I’ve always romanticized and fantasized about the notion of creating my own camera, but perhaps this is not a good idea. Maybe it is better for me to just use the existing cameras which are already out there, and figure out how to innovate based on them.

For example, even learning new innovations on shooting different modes on the Ricoh GR 3 digital camera. Highlight focused exposure compensation as a new one. or even small subtle things like shooting small JPEG instead of shooting raw.

Why innovate?

What is the point of innovation? For me, it is a new hope for the future. Optimism. Excitement. Novelty.

And I guess the big take away is this: more efficient to take what exists already, and innovate based on that, rather than totally starting from a blank slate.