Nietzsche once said, “I am dynamite!“ it seems that this sentiment is quite true. We love explosions. We love explosions in movies and films, we love when people explode with power, and with movies we love it when the main characters explode with rage.

But in today’s soft world, we are no longer allowed to express anger and passionate emotion. We are told to restrain our emotions and not express them.

But why brings us the most joy? I think it is this explosion, whether it is coitus, or metaphorical explosions when it comes to artistic and thought matter.

Maybe this is why we really love loud cars, sing space take offs, and other displays of immense power. Personally one of my greatest joys is watching other powerlifters hype themselves up before a one rep max powerlifting attempt.

Lesson: Figure out how we could better harnesses explosive energy, to express more of our explosive power.