Question: in today’s Uber technological world, why buy a manual transmission car?
The best car for thinking and focusing
I find automatic cars usually boring to drive. And ironically enough, when you drive an automatic car, including electric cars, you don’t need to focus as much. I actually find the joy of driving manual transmission cars is that it takes a certain level of skill and mind-body engagement for you to drive. And perhaps this allows you to think more while driving.
For example in my old 2003 Subaru outback five Speedwagon, I had lots of turbo thoughts while driving. And I will jot down my thoughts by telling my iPhone hey Siri take a note, and then using my voice to transcribe some notes.
In praise of a Toyota corolla
As of 2021, I’m so surprised that they still build manual transmission cars brand new. I still like this idea of manual transmission cars because in some ways you could actually live off the grid. That is, even though gasoline is bad and not sexy, in theory with a gasoline car if your car breaks down, you could still repair it yourself. However with electric cars, you are the slave of the dealership, or Tesla.
So why is Toyota Corolla so interesting to me? Well, it is technically the most reliable car you get from Toyota. Also the most bang for the buck in terms of value. Also the smallest minimum viable size for every day living.
Also the funny thing is that actually if you did buy a brand new Toyota corolla 6 speed manual transmission, in theory baby Seneca could actually drive it when he turns 15 or 16 years old. It is still uncertain whether A brand new Tesla Will still be reliable 15 or 16 years from now.
Just get a used manual transmission Subaru
In terms of bang for the buck, you cannot beat buying a used Subaru manual transmission. and even though I love the idea of turbo chargers, it seems that anyone who has owned a turbo charged car will beat the shit out of it, making it a very unreliable used car. For example my friend Natalie just bought a used Subaru STI, and it cost her a huge chunk of change just to do minor repairs. Same thing with my friend Søren who bought a used WRX.
It seems if you want a manual transmission turbo charged car, just buy it brand new or just one or two years old. either buy a brand new WRX or a brand new STI. Or one that is just one or two years old.
Should a car be fun to drive?
I think so. Considering at least in America, you are so beholdened to your car, if you spend a considerable amount of time in your car, why not have a car that is fun to drive?
The 2022 Subaru WRX in orange looks great.
Maybe if you optimize every aspect of your life to be more fun, this is a good thing.