A thought:
In today’s world, we strive for these awesome material possessions. We want the Lamborghini, we want the Tesla, we want the Porsche, we want Ferrari, we want the Bentley, we want the Maserati, we want the Rolls Royce, we want the Rolex, we want the Panerai, the Leica camera, and the newest iPhone pro everything.
But perhaps, rather than desiring these luxury goods, maybe it is better for us to transform ourselves into a luxury object. to transform ourselves into a rare classic. For ourselves to be truly one of a kind.
Bespoke yourself
Apparently it is a thing that you create a custom one of a kind Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce car, or anything. You go to the mall with your brand new watch, and you want to be the only one with it.
But these things are exterior. Isn’t it more impressive for others to admire ourselves, our wisdom, our courage, and our own personal uniqueness?
What is cheaper
At least this is one praise for fashion. Rather than buying a lime green Lamborghini, why not just buy a lime green T-shirt?
Instead of buying a brand new Lamborghini, it is far cheaper to just buy the newest Yeezy sneakers.
Instead of buying a brand new Ford mustang with 1000 hp, maybe better to get a combined 1000 pounds in the gym (the 1000 pound club in adding together your one rep max for your dead lift, benchpress, and squat). And instead of buying a car with a very loud exhaust, maybe you should be the one yelling and screaming when doing one rep max deadlifts at the gym.
Take your top off
For another simple concept: instead of seeking to buy a convertible car, just walk around town with your T-shirt off. Better for others to admire your bodily physique than your car.
Why do we think we could just buy it?
In theory, anyone with enough money could buy a Lamborghini, but not everyone could squat over 315 pounds, or deadlift 405 pounds, or bench press 225 pounds. 
For taking it even further, in theory if you have enough money you could buy the Bugatti, but you cannot squat over 405 pounds, the left over 505 pounds, or benchpress over 315 pounds.
Certainly earning money, and making that kind of money does take a certain level of skill, but, in some ways it is “easier“ than making your body formidable.
Or another words, easier to earn a high paying salary than to quit sugar and carbs and get a six pack.
Consumerism and capitalism is democratic
This is what drives capitalism and consumerism: anyone can buy unique fashion, but it does take real courage to have a personality that is different. for example, anyone could go to Zara and just put together an outrageous outfit. But would the same person have the courage to not have an Instagram or to say what is really on his or her mind?
Similarly speaking, anyone could buy the brand new Nike or Air Jordan sneakers to be “unique“. but would the same person have the courage to create unique artwork that goes against the taste of the masses?
Make your body awesome, and your mind epic
It is not enough to be wise or smart, intelligent. You also need an epic body to back it. For example, no matter how awesome of of mind a scholar or academic has, if he still has a beer gut, he will not impress me. But if I meet a bodybuilder who can quote Seneca or Cicero, mark me impressed.
Rigor in mind and body
In a traditional K-12 education and university and post university studies, with enough hard work and industry, one builds a rigorous mind. yet why is there no emphasis in building a rigorous body?
For example, we are forced to learn mathematics and stem topics with a whip and a lash. yet we are allowed to eat all the Doritos and snacks we want. There is no emphasis in education in banning sugar, banning artificial sweeteners, banning carbs, banning snacks, banning dessert. No education in fasting, unless you live in a nation with Ramadan.
A simple first step
If you want to build a stronger body, I just say start with intermittent fasting. Don’t eat breakfast or lunch, and break your fast with dinner. Also, quit all sugar, artificial sweeteners, natural sweeteners, starches, breads, pasta, snacks, desserts, etc.
Once you can conquer your stomach, you can conquer anything.
The muscle building thing
Then I say the next step is just to build your muscles. Attempt a one rep max in the deadlifts squat and bench press, once a week. For example, on Monday attempt a one rep max in your deadlift (sumo-style), on Wednesday work on bench press, and Friday work on your squat. For the other days, just enjoy nice long walks around the neighborhood, or go hiking for fun.
In terms of nutrition, no need for creatine or protein shakes. Just eat lots of fatty red meat. for example, instead of buying a Lamborghini, or a Tesla, just use all that money to buy really really good ribeye steaks. The more saturated fat the meat, the better. Why? The more fatty the meat, the more cholesterol it has, and cholesterol is a natural steroid. And no, cholesterol does not cause heart attacks or any heart disease.
Maybe instead of fancy restaurants, just go to standard all you can eat Korean barbecue places, or the new all you can eat shabu shabu places. More bang for the buck in terms of protein.
Or just go to In-N-Out Burger and just ask for 10 burger patties, cooked in mustard.
Or if you go to Mexican place, just ask them to give you a pound of Carnitas or Carne Asada (una libra). All meat, no carbs. No tortilla or sides. Just lime, cilantro and onions, and salsa.
You are the end goal, the end product, and you’re the billion dollar unicorn.
Rather than striving to create $1 billion start up, and sell it, maybe it is best for you to just transform yourself into the ultimate thing. You are the platform. You are the brand. You are the next trillion dollar company.