Like Kanye said, you don’t want to be soft like bread.
And in terms of getting your juices flowing, it seems that the hard core is preferable to the soft core. then the goal is to become more hard, or do become more hard-core, but how does one do this?
1. Coffee

Even in space films, or in the dune movie, coffee still exist. Why? Perhaps coffee is our modern day spice. it augments us, even though there are many downsides. And this is a thought:
I would prefer a life with more extreme upside and more downside, then live a mediocre and steady life.
2. Spartan austerity

In terms of aesthetics, I actually most love the desert army aesthetic. why? Hugely functional and manly.

Why were the ancient Romans so anti-luxury? Because luxury bred softness and weakness.
3. Askesis
The notion of Askesis in ancient Greek literally means training. you do not become stronger by doing nothing. Rather you become stronger through training.

Even the notion ascetic, traditionally meant one who becomes strong and hard through training, rather than the emaciated monk look. for example, better to look like a spartan 300 than to look like a modern.

And how do we become stronger? Simple: focus on strength building exercises. One rep max. Power lifting. Or extremely heavy kettlebell exercises. The goal isn’t to grind out repetitions to augment your muscular size, but rather, to augment the maximum strength you could output at once.
In other words, better to deadlift 475 pounds once then to deadlift 135 pounds 1000 times.
Or better to squat 400 pounds once, than to do 10,000 bodyweight squats.
4. Intermittent fasting during the day, and eating a shit load of meat at night

The simple idea: in order to have more strength during the day, don’t eat food during the day.
Rather, only break your fast once the sun has gone down, Ramadan style.
Why? To be able to conquer your hunger is the first way to become stronger.
And at night when you have your dinner, eat as much meat as humanly possible, the fattier and the redder the better. Consume more Carne and flesh.
Not all protein is created alike. For example, lamb meat is superior than eating pea protein. Similarly speaking, better to have a fatty red T-bone steak then a bowl of legumes.
5. Pursue your great passion
Life is too short to do shit you don’t care for. Only pursue that which you are passionate about, and you will not fail.
The secret of motivation is “Wu Wei”— , the Taoist notion of not forcing yourself to do anything which is against your own personal will.
If you pursue what you are passionate with great zeal, it is easy to go hard. because you don’t force yourself. Rather, your own inner willpower compels you to do so without your thinking. The Wisdom of your gut and body.