What are good reasons for going to college, what are bad reasons for going to college?

Bad reasons for going to college

Because my parents want me to. Because I don’t know what else to do after I graduate high school. Because I want to earn a lot of money.

Possibly good reasons for going to college

Because I got a full ride. Because going to college for me is free. Because I want to potentially meet my future life partner, whether it be husband or wife. because I want to fund college experience. Because I want to experiment living a pseudo-utopic life.

What is the purpose of college?

I think if your parents never went to college in America or international before, then going to college is a good idea. But if your parents are already college educated, the utility of college goes way down.

For example, as an undergrad I went to UCLA, and it was great because it prevented me from being stuck in my high school town bubble, and allowed me to start living on my own, my first step towards personal independence. also, because neither of my parents were America college educated, college and studying sociology give me a unique opportunity to question American social norms.

But also the downside of college is that you learn to think differently, in the same way. For example, a lot of the “woke“ sociology ideology is all the same. If you want to self enlighten yourself, it seems that college is actually a bad idea. Better to backpack through southeast Asia, and spend some time thinking about yourself and being alone.

Never go to college if you’re gonna put on debt

Debt is the devil. There is a reason why lots of ancient religions forbid lending money higher than a certain percentage.

If you’re going to have to put on debt to go to college or to go to graduate school, don’t go. Especially for private schools and art school.