Towards a zen-aesthetic, ascetic, micro luxury form of living:
1. Just buy the cheapest (industrial meats) to feed yourself!
99 cents a pound for pork… this is insane. If you’re not halal, kosher, Jewish, Muslim … eat pork!
The reason I’m so pro-meat:
It is waaaaaay cheaper than veggies and being vegan/vegetarian.
For example let us say the average person cannot eat more than 5 pounds of meat in a day ($5 USD a day). That’s only $150 USD a month. Truth be told the average person could probably only eat 2 pounds of meat a day ($2 USD a day), which is only $60 USD a month!! To feed yourself for only $60 a month … isn’t this the ultimate? Eating out for one night for two, or going out for drinks can cost this in a single (or half) night. Thus towards minimum viable living:
Reduce your food expenses to the absolute minimum.
Note how Elon Musk fed himself on only $2 USD a day in the early days of with spaghetti and hot dogs, slept in a sleeping bag in his office with his brother, shared one computer to program, and how they showered at the local YMCA.
2. The essential aspect of physical exercise, physiological health, walking, fresh air, etc.
If I had the choice of being a trillionaire but forced to live in a complex with armed guards, or be a poor person with total freedom of walking and mobility, I’d choose to be the poor person.