Let us not get suckered:
All news is fake news.
What do I mean by this? Well–
- All news is cherry picked and taken out of context in order to maximize clicks and advertising revenue
- Often we cherry pick what people said rather than what they *meant to say*.
Why does this matter?
All news (whether mainstream, underground or even the weirder websites and news agencies) are optimized to increase website traffic, in order to maximize advertising dollars and revenue (Google Adsense, or even getting contributions via Bitcoin, Crypto, Patreon, etc). As a consequence —
No news agency or individual is really incentivized to give a more ‘objective’ or ‘rational’ view on things.
And what happens as a consequence?
- More people are suckered into thinking a certain way, and have a more false view of reality.
- Most people are scared shitless via the news (the news is fear marketing and promotes ‘fear feeds‘). Social media is a big ‘FOMO’ machine.