Striving for Truth or Power?

light hand ERIC KIM

A thought:

Perhaps striving for some ultimate ‘truth’ is the red herring in the room. Instead; perhaps what we really want is more power. More power, influence, resources, growth … more.

Why seek the ‘truth’?

Something which has always been curious to me:

So many people are seeking the “truth” about x, y, z … but … the better question is: “WHY?

Also, what is the significance of ‘truth’?

Why does it matter if we landed on the moon or not?

For example, there are many conspiracy theories out there. To conspire means to plan together toward a certain end-goal. ‘Conspiro‘ in Latin means literally “to breathe together” (con [with] + spiro [to breathe]).

Perhaps then a ‘conspiracy’ is a bunch of people in a room (breathing the same air together) hatching some sort of “evil” plan to conspire for more power, resources or whatever.

What if it is true?

light hand ERIC KIM

OK, let us say we never landed on the moon. Then the question comes:

“So what?”

Once we have uncovered “the truth” … what are we to do with it? How does the knowledge of the “truth” aid us in our practical everyday, personal endeavors?

hand blur ERIC KIM