To inspire means to breathe, or to blow wind into someone. To inspire someone means to blow motivation-energy and life-force into them!

ZEN OF ERIC — now free.

Breathing motivation or inspiration into them

Stoicism for dummies

I think video is most effective for inspiring and motivating people. Why? Ultimately we humans prefer other humans. Other humans speaking, talking to us, and showing their face to us.

Why is video and vlogging so effective? It’s more real!

Why inspire others?

My thought:

When you inspire others, you augment your ego, power, and self-esteem.

And it is great. You’re killing two birds with one stone. You inspire others, and you inspire yourself!

How to inspire others

Speak your mind. Don’t censor yourself. Make vlogs, blog, whatever! Share photos which give you joy!

If your photos breathe new life into you, more likely it will for others too!

Inspire yourself first!

First make art works which inspire you, then share them. The more you do this, the more you’ll probably inspire yourself!

Just have fun with it!

Make fun sketches. Don’t take it too seriously.

Let randomness and chance guide you!