What do You Shoot For?

A big thought:

Use the New Year as an opportunity to truly reflect, meditate, and understand WHY you make photos.

There isn’t any “right” or “wrong” answers. And also realize, this is dynamic— your reasons on why you make photos will continue to change, evolve, and change over time.

Why I make photos

I cannot say what is right for you, but here are my current thoughts:

  1. I make photos as a form of artistic expression. When I do not have the opportunity to artistically express myself, I get artistic constipation (the worst pain). Releasing my artistic energy is essential for me.
  2. Legacy: Ultimately I don’t live for myself– I live in order to empower and inspire/motivate (current) and future generations of humans. It is my great ambition to drive the culture of photography forward, and hopefully I can be remembered even 300 years from now.
  3. The joy of inspiring and motivating others: I know how shitty I felt when I wasn’t inspired and motivated in photography. I remember how it felt being disempowered as a photographer, because I never had ‘good enough’ gear, or because I wanted more fame/influence/money/power in the photo world. I feel a trillion times happier and more enlightened in photography now, and I share my thoughts as if I were helping my old 18-year old self.