The Photographer’s Insatiable Will to Appropriate all Reality

Our will and desire as photographers:

Capture all of embodied reality.

We desire to keep exploring, keep discovering, and we are never satisfied with the photos we make and capture.

Perhaps like Pokémon— we are not satisfied until we have “caught them all”. And even when you have caught all original 151, you want to create “expansion packs”in order to continue the game?

Insatiability is our virtue

We must glorify and be grateful that we’re not easily satisfied or pleased. This is the artistic vigor which keeps us going!

Immortal photos

Photos are immortal, but we as photographers (and our subjects) are mortal.

Perhaps there is some delight in knowing that our photos and artwork will live on after our personal death, very much like the joy we have knowing that our offspring and children will continue to live on after our death?