Obstacles are Essential to Happiness

A life without obstacles, challenges, and difficulties isn’t a life worth living!

The joy of overcoming

To set certain goals or objectives in life and then accomplish them: the joy of overcoming.

Consider nothing which is too easy in life is fun. In video games, challenges which are too easy are boring. We must increase the difficulty to a degree where we fail a few times, but to win is still within our scope.

For example in a video game: you attempt the level 10 times, and on the 11th try you win!

The joy of setting new personal records

With powerlifting, the joy of achieving a new “PR” (personal record). The joy of realizing that you can achieve far more than you think you can. Ultimately it isn’t about how much you can lift, nor whether you can lift more than others. The ultimate joy is leveling up yourself! (using yourself as your own benchmark).

More epic challenges

When things get too easy, turn up the difficulty! If it is too hard and you cannot succeed, then scale back a little bit until you succeed. But once you succeed, continue to dial up the difficulty.

Always strive for more!