How to strengthen your willpower

With enough of your personal willpower, you can achieve, do, become, or create anything.

But the practical question:

How do we “gain” more willpower? How can we strengthen our willpower?

1. Just jump into it

Whatever you desire to do or achieve, just jump into it. Don’t think, analyze, or plan.

Head first. Less energy to think means more energy to do!

2. Physical power

Build your physical muscles. I believe that physical and mental willpower is the same thing. Build both concurrently.

In other words, start lifting weights!

3. Zen zone

To get into a zen zone, cut out all the superfluous and energy-sucking distractions from your life.

For me that means no TV, no newspapers, no blogs, no advertisements, no email, no worries, no drama, no pettiness.

By ruthlessly pruning what is a parasite to your willpower, you then have the prerequisite to building and strengthening your willpower.

4. Stronger legs

Experiment standing all day, or walking all day. Our legs are 1000x more important than our upper bodies. To be human is to walk, stand, and move. If you are unable to walk 8 hours in a single day, you won’t be able to build your willpower to the apex.

My mom is 60+ years old and can backpack hike for 8+ hours a day with a 40 pound bag. Can’t we do the same?

5. Training

I believe that any woman or man (with enough effort and practice) can deadlift (at least) 365 pounds. If you’re a man, you can definitely deadlift at least 405+ pounds (with enough training).

We should view our ability to build our willpower the same as building our physical strength. It all comes down to practice, effort, and concentration.

6. Decide

“I’ve decided.”

Big Sean

Once you’ve decided something, just do it. And keep doing it.

To build great things take great effort and much time. But if you practice and train, everyday… what can you achieve in 5, 10, 20 years?

Slow, steady, and strong win the race!