
The more prolific (creatively productive I am), the happier I am.

Prolific as meaning ‘to create a lot of offspring’ (proles [offspring] + facere [to make]).

Thus as creators, it is good when we create a lot, and make a lot.

Our offspring is our artwork. The more artwork we produce, the happier we are.

Why? When we create artwork, we desire to see our ideal version of reality manifested in reality.

Prolific > Productive

I like the notion of ‘prolific’ because it evokes more of the notion of being ‘creatively prolific’. To write a lot, to photograph a lot, to publish a lot, and to create a lot!

As photographers, perhaps we are happiest when we photograph a lot. When we explore a lot, see a lot, and experience a lot.

Perhaps in this case– it is better for us to focus on staying creatively prolific, instead of striving toward some sort of ‘perfection’.

We judge a tree in a positive way when it produces a lot of fruit. I would prefer an avocado tree which made lots of delicious and buttery avocados. Perhaps we artists should also be judged in a similar vein–

How long can you stay prolific and creatively productive as an artist?

40 is the new 30

The people who I am most inspired by are individuals who are able to remain creatively prolific for their entire lives. If anything– better to have a long, prolific, and steady career than to have a short and monuments career.

For example in rap music, I would prefer to be an Eminem, JAY Z, Dr. Dre who stay in the game for 30+ years, than to be a “one hit wonder” and fade into obscurity. It is always sad whenever I think to myself:

“Whatever happened to Person [X]?”

My only goal in life at the moment is this:

Remain creatively productive my whole life, at 100%, until I die at age 120.

Longevity is the key.


Read more: How to Become More Prolific >