In Praise of Being an Asshole

Is it bad to be an “asshole”? 

A thought while walking around today:

Why is it considered bad or “evil” to be an ‘asshole’?

Furthermore, what if it is necessary for us to be an “asshole” in order to do great things?

What is an “asshole”?

I think when others call someone an asshole what they mean to say is:

“How dare you act and think in a way which is contrary to what I personally believe!”

Thus when others call you an asshole, they’re just angry that you’re acting in a way which is contrary to their personal beliefs and morals.

Thus, there is no “objective” definition of an asshole. And when others call you an asshole, it is a reflection of them — not you.

How to do great things

  1. If you decide to live an epic life, you must guard your intellectual, mental, and physical energy. You must learn to have the courage to say a bold “no” to things you don’t believe in — and to boldly ignore what you consider unimportant. And others might call you “selfish” (evil) or an “asshole”, because that energy you are devoting to yourself might be devoted to them.
  2. If you want to build great things, you must get other people to work with you. If you’re a true artist, you don’t want to water down your artistic vision — thus you must be stubborn and can not compromise. And being stubborn will be considered as “asshole” behavior (consider Steve Jobs). But thank God Steve didn’t budge on his artistic vision — he was the first person to prioritize design over engineering! Lesson: You as a stubborn individual can truly change the world.
  3. No matter how selfless or “good” you try to be, there will always be someone in the world who won’t agree with your behavior, and find reasons to hate, disparage, or attempt to tear you down.


Thus my simple conclusion is this:

It is essential to be an “asshole” in order to live a genuine life as an artist, creator, and innovator.

And truth be told — it ain’t possible to change the world without hurting others or stepping on the toes of others.

Be bold. ERIC