Inquire for Yourself

A simple thought in life:

Never take the word from others — test it out for yourself, and dare to inquire for yourself, and come up with your own independent opinion!

Who dictates our preferences or tastes?

When we are born we are blank slates. From childhood until adulthood, we are etched with societal values, and we are programmed how to think, how to feel, and taught what is “good” and “bad”. But very rarely are we encouraged to think for ourselves! Furthermore, we are rarely encouraged to come up with our own independent opinion, and we aren’t “allowed” to have an opinion which challenges “common sense”/“common wisdom”, or “conventional wisdom/ethics”.

I believe that you’re a unique human specimen — and you have the faculty to inquire for yourself, and you are probably hungry to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and philosophical knowledge and truths.

Thus it seems the optimal strategy in life is this:

(Mostly) ignore the advice from others. Test ideas and take it back to “first principles” in order to see how epic you can become, or in order to pave new roads of knowledge and understanding.

Or in simpler words:

When something seems like bullshit to you, it probably is. Challenge what you consider bullshit, and share your own ideas with others (your own website, blog, YouTube channel).

Your mind is godlike

You got a mind. Use it! Use your mind as a tool of philosophical and art inquiry — and praise your own mind, value your own mind highly — and never sell it for anything!

Think strong!