Why Live Life Entrepreneurially?

In praise of an uncertain, risky, and more fun/adventurous life!

A difficult vs uncertain life?

Difficult vs uncertain

Going to school, studying hard and becoming a doctor is a difficult and hard challenge, but not an uncertain and risky one.

Perhaps an entrepreneurial life is this:

A life marred with uncertainty, risk, and a high likelihood of failure.

Then why pursue an entrepreneurial life, or live life entrepreneurially?

Entrepreneurship is more fun!

In modern life I think our principal source of misery, discontentment, and depression is the feeling or knowledge that we don’t have much control, choice, or freedom in our lives.

I think there is something in our human DNA which craves for control, power, and the ability to transmute and change external reality.

If you have any employed job (when you’re not paying yourself), your control, options, and personal freedoms are severely limited.

Truth be told most people who were indoctrinated from childhood to adulthood who were trained to obey orders and follow authority are suitable worker bees. They actually might be happier to work a “stable” 9-5 job for the rest of their lives.

But if you’re reading this, I suspect you want more out of life.

Also if you don’t believe in an afterlife (I don’t), this life and reality is the only one you got. So why spend any moment of your day or your life following a lifestyle which makes you miserable, disempowered, and passive?

Anyone can become an entrepreneur (if they so desire).

Anyone and everyone can become an entrepreneur. But whether your entrepreneurial venture will allow you to become a billionaire (or even ability to pay the bills each month) is up to Lady Fortune.

What we can control in our lives:

  1. Having the guts to take uncertain and risky actions
  2. Pursuing a new business, or attempting something which hasn’t been done before.
  3. You can control where to live (my favorite entrepreneurship cities being Hanoi, Saigon, and Mexico City).
  4. You can control how to (or how not to) spend your money.
  5. You can dictate what your life goals are, and dictate what ISN’T your life goals.

In short, as an entrepreneur you’re a modern day hero. And we all know when studying the hero journey; often the hero fails, dies, or is unsuccessful; but they care enough to take those risks.

So friend know in life you have the option and control to become entrepreneurial or not. Of course there are certain consequences, effects, and trade-offs for your actions in life.

But ultimately you must determine for yourself:

How bad do I want it?