Resentment is for the Weak

Resentment: drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.

Why resentment is indecent

The problem with resentment:

By resenting someone else (or even worse, resenting yourself) doesn’t accomplish or change anything.

In fact, the more resentment you exude, the weaker you become (weaker in the head and body).

Better than resenting is:

  1. Changing your circumstances: Refusal to “settle” with your current living situation. The determination to move to a new city or country, getting a new job, or becoming self-employed (entrepreneurship).
  2. Discovering how to benefit from any downsides in life: Recognizing that you can take any negative circumstance in your life and turn it into a positive. For example, using the hate of others fuel you to hustling harder.
  3. Consider negative circumstances as positive training: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. A life with no negatives or difficulties isn’t a life worth living. To become stronger, you must lift heavier weights. To make better photos, you need to shoot in more challenging circumstances.
  4. When others insult you, use this as a fun chance for you to “get back” at them by exercising your cleverness (thanking your haters), by exercising your magnanimity (the wolf ignores the yelping of puppies).

How not to resent others

Why do we resent others? Because we think they are the cause of our ills.

But what if instead we believed:

No other humans have the ability to harm you (or help you).

I think this double-forked idea is essential:

  1. Others are not the cause of our ills: How and why should we blame others for the downsides of our life? To think this is to admit that you’re weak, and others are stronger than you.
  2. Others cannot “improve” our lives: We must not make the sucker mistake that if we only had the “perfect” life partner, business partner, artistic problem that our situation in life will be improved. Certainly it is good to have friends (soul-mates) in life, but we shouldn’t become dependent on others. We must be happy independently of other people (your ability to create your own happiness through your artwork).

Don’t resent or disdain the powerful, influential, or rich

Growing up poor, I always disdained kids who were richer than me. I would look at them with their designer clothes, fancy cars, and think to myself:

“These insecure tools.”

I realized from an early age that those with money and more power/prestige are often MORE insecure than those who are poorer. Many rich people still feel an inferiority complex (comparing themselves to even richer people).

I think the secret and solution is to remove yourself from all social hierarchies and ladders. It means to judge yourself independently from others. It means that you are the only individual to judge yourself.

It means to NOT judge your success in life with your follower numbers, like numbers, income, or how much money you have in the bank. Better to judge your success by seeing whether you are advancing toward your own life goals.

Strength is good, weakness is bad.

I don’t think anyone in life strives to become weaker. I believe we all strive to become stronger.

Thus, simply make the focus of your life to become stronger. Become physically stronger, mentally stronger, and a stronger artist.

You got the power in your own hands!