Publish Yourself

Why do we wait to get “discovered” by others? Why not just self-publish, and publish ourselves?

SUITS first edition hardcover available on Amazon >

I recently self-published my first book, SUITS. I used to chase these big photo book publishers in the past, but soon realized that when given an option, it’s better to publish yourself. Why?

Why it’s better to self-publish yourself

  1. You have 100% creative control: If you get someone else to publish you, you will always compromise your artistic vision in one way or another.
  2. When someone else publishes you, you often have to front your own money!!! For example my friend who got published has to pay $10,000 USD of her own money to have a publisher print her photo book.
  3. You can print however many copies or however few copies you desire. Also you have more options: you can give away the digital PDF version of the book for free (publishers would never let you do this). And you can charge however much or little you want for either your print or digital book.
  4. You’re not dependent on getting “discovered”; you don’t need luck!!! You have 100% of the power in your own hands to self publish! This is the ultimate freedom!

How to publish yourself

Preview from my SUITS print (hard cover and fold flat) book:


  1. Design your book in Adobe indesign and export the book as a PDF for print.
  2. Find a local printer, and send them the PDF file via email to print the book.
  3. Determine how many books you want to print, and get them printed. Generally I recommend to print the minimum order, to reduce your risk and cost. For example our first edition of SUITS is only limited to 30 copies.
  4. Sell your book (or give them away for free). Accept payments via and advertise your book on your social media channels, your website, blog, YouTube, and email newsletter.

Other personal lessons through self-publishing

suits book gif

Other lessons I learned when self-publishing SUITS:

  1. Collaborate with a designer friend or family member to put together the book. For example my younger sister ANNETTE KIM did the custom illustration of the cover with Adobe Illustrator; which makes the book more beautiful. Also Cindy did the layout, editing, and logistics for the printing. Cindy’s younger sister Jennifer also gave design advice. So the lesson is this: a photography book is always a collaborative effort. You can do it all yourself, but it’s more fun with others.
  2. It doesn’t have to be perfect: This ain’t the last book of your life. Treat every book project as a “beta” concept; you’re always evolving and in a state of flux as an artist and creator! The book you make today won’t be the same book you make in the future.
  3. Follow your own gut: Disregard the “rules” in photography and books. Follow your own voice, and pave your own path. If it looks good to you, it’s good.

So friend, what’s holding you back? You got the power in your own hands to publish yourself. Nobody else needs to choose you; you choose you!


Limited First Edition of SUITS selling out quickly

Don’t miss out: First edition of SUITS almost sold out on Amazon >

Suits by Eric Kim First Edition