Why Photography Makes Me Happy

I can’t speak for you, but photography has brought me so much happiness, joy, and meaning in my life.

eric kim street photography - leica cl - color - digital - kodak portra 800 hc - vsco - 35mm - 2018-1030296

Why? Let me share:

  1. Photography is a stimulus for me to move: The more I move, the more ideas and thoughts I have. The more thoughts I have, the more excited I get about these ideas. And as I get more ideas, I continue to move more. Thus, photography is a “positive feedback loop”— new ideas and movement and making photos feed into one another, and empower and stimulate one another!
  2. Photography has afforded me the opportunity to teach others, learn from others, and build communities: To me, I get the greatest joy from sharing what I know, and also learning from others. I’m also passionate about building communities— I endeavor to setup more “STREET CLUBS” local chapters as I continue to travel around the world. The more social we can make photography and life, the happier we will be! I’m so sad— there’s many individuals who are quite lonely in their photographic pursuits. The more we can build local (in person) communities, the better!
  3. Photography is my primary form of art creation: Making photos is making your own artwork. It’s the easiest, most simple, and direct craft. We all have access to the tools now! It’s not even about making “good” or “bad” photos — it is about having fun in photography! Having fun while making the photos, and having fun while reviewing the photos.

Why does photography make you happy?

So simply put, ask yourself:

Does photography make me happy— and why?

Don’t stop shooting and smiling!