Red: The most bold color, the color of blood, lust, death, anger:
The color red is fascinating to me. I’ve read studies that suggest that if you wear the color red, you will be more attractive to others.
I did a pretty intense look into the Red-Green color theory, and found those two colors to be the most enigmatic combination:
Also some Red-Green photos of mine I like:
How to shoot the color red
- When shooting the color red, it’s pretty easy; just look for the color red! Shoot anything that you perceive as red, then figure out how to categorize it later.
- Realize the infinite variety of the color red, and how similar it is to the color orange.
- What colors are intense next to the color red? For myself, I see the following color combinations with red being intense: red-blue (Sixers), red-yellow (McDonalds), red-green (Gucci).
Warm tones

The color red is an example of a “warm” color, which literally feels warm. Imagine a lovely sunrise or sunset. The opposite of the “cold” colors, which literally feel cold.

Red inspiration
My favorite images:
Pablo Picasso Red:
Edward Hopper
Note his subtle use of red. Sometimes the subject is wearing a red outfit, and sometimes the red is a bold accent color against a blue or green background.
Lesson: Sometimes a small dab of the color RED can make a big impact: