How to Be More Confident

London, 2015
London, 2015

Why be confident?

1. You were put on earth for a reason

Dali x Kim

I think you were put on earth for a reason — for something greater than yourself.

Eric Kim by Cindy Nguyen
Eric Kim by Cindy Nguyen

If you don’t have confidence in yourself, and your life mission — how can you embark on your life’s adventure, and fulfill your personal destiny?

2. Smile and say ‘thank you!’

Eric Kim shooting Jazz hands. Action photo.
Eric Kim shooting Jazz hands. Action photo.

The biggest fear we have is upsetting people. But in my experience, 99% of potential social arguments can be avoided by just smiling and saying ‘thank you!’ Or by complimenting people.

Also, when you compliment someone — you are putting forth your judgement of others in a positive light. To compliment someone else, it means YOU have a strong ego.

Laughing man in Paris. 2015.
Laughing man in Paris. 2015.


If you had little self-esteem, how can you compliment others?

3. Ask for permission

When I am not feeling confident — I fake it. ‘Fake it until you make it’ rings true.

In photography, when I want to make a portrait of someone, but I feel nervous — I just ask for permission.

To me, it is better to ask for permission and get rejected, than to live with regret with not asking for permission.

Because ultimately, the worst that will happen is someone will say ‘no.’

But if someone says, ‘no’ — why is that such a big deal?

Pose for the camera! Istanbul couple.
Pose for the camera! Istanbul couple.

4. Expect to get rejected

Shot on phone.

Going off the prior point, EXPECT to get rejected when asking for permission. This way, if you do get rejected, it isn’t a big deal.

And if someone says ‘yes’ — it is all upside.

5. Don’t hesitate

Head tattoo.
Head tattoo.

The more you hesitate, pause, and wait– the more likely you’re going to chicken out.

There is the 3-second rule in street photography. Which means, if you delay more than 3 seconds to take a photo of someone, you’re not gonna do it.

So just REACT. Follow your gut. Instinctively shoot. Don’t think too much about composition before you shoot. Just follow your instincts, like a knee-jerk reaction.

Flash street photograph in Istanbul, 2014 // Eric Kim
Flash street photograph in Istanbul, 2014. I just took one shot, and didn’t think too much before shooting.

To take your street photography to the next level, buy STREET NOTES MOBILE EDITION and attend ERIC KIM EXPERIENCE >