How to Be a Good Blogger.

Dear friend,

I think I’m a good blogger.

I. What makes a good blogger?

First of all, what makes a ‘good’ blogger?

For me, I think a good blogger is prolific, productive, and writes a lot — and does it for fun, and doesn’t stress too much about it.

For example, I write blog posts I’d like to read. I never force myself to blog on a topic that I am personally not interested in, and the words just flow from my fingertips like water.

It also helps to have a high ‘WPM’ (words per minute). I can type around 130 words per minute. Which means, I can type as fast as I think — if anything, I can type faster than I can think. So if you are a ‘hunter and pecker’, and cannot type blind folded, do free online typing courses, and learn how to type without even looking.

Also, I think a good blogger needs to have guts. To not care about random comments online — whether positive or negative. To trust your own intuition, rather than following the opinions of the masses.

II. Why blog?

Also, you gotta ask yourself— why blog?

For me, it is an existential thing to blog. I blog because it affirms that I’m alive. I blog because I think it is one of the most effective ways to share your ideas with a wide audience.

As a blogger, you are a prophet. A messenger. Not some spiritual being, just a normal human being with some useful ideas that can benefit humanity.

All the great thinkers in history, philosophers, poets, and artists were controversial. They went against the status quo. They pissed off a lot of people, and many of them were burned at the stake, or crucified.

Today’s world is easy. At worst, you’re just gonna get some negative comments online. That’s the worst. You will not get killed or imprisoned in America (or most European countries), unless, of course– you live in a country without freedom of speech (my heart goes out to you).

Only blog if you have a meaningful message to share with others. Write with your blood and soul, never blog to get page views or anything silly like that.

For me, I feel like I’ve undergone a lot of pain and suffering, and I wanna just write a few blog posts that can help uplift, motivate, and encourage others.

I only wanna share positive messages. Too much hate, anger, and complaining in this world. I wanna encourage people to actually make a positive change and difference in the world.

III. Channel emotions

To write a viral blog post, you gotta have emotion. Either anger, frustration, love, inspiration— you gotta imbue your words with your blood. Your personal history.

The rule is this:

Can an algorithm bot write the same ‘content’ as you?

For example, can a computer randomly come up with a blog post that will look like yours? Or, are you the only one who could have written that blog post?

I write with all my scars, my biases, my contradictions, and soul. My words are inseparable from Eric Kim. My words are me, and I am my words.

To be a human being is a messy thing. We are only slightly more advanced than other mammals. We still have our old ‘reptilian’ brain — with a rationality module just bolted on. It wasn’t a clean job.

Meaning, we are still slaves of irrational fears. Yet, I believe if we override our biology through rationality, mental fortitude, and wisdom — we can overcome our DNA.

Anyways, if your blog posts don’t stir the heart of your reader — it is dead.

For me, I like to read blog posts from other authors who write personal shit. I can read random blog posts everywhere— but I am genuinely curious of the lives of other bloggers. I wanna know how other bloggers live their daily lives— and I wanna see their humanity; with all their scars and imperfections.

I was looking at a gossip magazine at the drug store yesterday, and I saw all these celebrities getting snapped by the paparazzi doing ‘normal people’ stuff— like walking the dog, buying toilet paper, or eating KFC. In American society, we idolize these celebrities like demigods. But in reality, they are just humans like you and I — they shit, fart, drink coffee, drink alcohol, get tired, frustrated, worried about their finances, feel upset at getting stuck in 405 traffic in LA (in their matted-out Porsche), and petty family drama.

ERIC KIM is just a normal ass dude. I am 29 years old, Korean-American, 5 foot 10, 150 pounds, addicted to coffee, like to make photos, blog, share information, and deadlift. I like to read ebooks in bed (Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson) on my iPad, I get carpal tunnel from typing so much, and I don’t feel like a normal human until I’ve had half a liter of espresso in the morning.

I am insecure and care too much what others think of me. I often care too much about what Cindy thinks of me, and I ignore my inner-voice. I wanna buy shit— I wanna own a matted-out Porsche, all the new Apple stuff, and millions in the bank. I still am a sucker to advertising, and not immune to the sweet voices of the Sirens.

Lesson: Be human in your blog posts. People can connect with that. Don’t ‘photoshop’ your defects.

IV. Don’t edit.

Editing is for nerds.

Just write like you talk— unpretentious, unadorned, plain.

The purpose of editing isn’t to make yourself sound smarter or more eloquent— it is to communicate a message or idea. So don’t strive to sound clever.

I personally never edit any of my blog posts — I let the words just stream like a river. And you don’t wanna stop the flow of the water.

I see a lot of bloggers falter because they edit too much.

Homework: Write a blog post, and don’t edit it. Finish it when you get your one central idea across and then hit publish.

V. Lifestyle.

This is easy, when in doubt, drink more espresso. More coffee, more productive writing.

Also to be more prolific, don’t eat breakfast or lunch, it slows you down. Only eat a huge dinner. And no sugar allowed.

Also, lose body fat. Do this by cutting out sugar, fruit, simple carbs, beer, dessert, and high fructose corn syrup.

Also, build muscle. Do push-ups everyday, chin ups on a tree, or yoga at the house with YouTube on your phone.

The stronger your body, the stronger and more focused your mind will be.

Homework: signup for gym membership close to the house and start doing deadlifts. Or, buy a 70 pound kettle bell (men) on Amazon, and do two handed swings at home. For women, 50 pound kettle bell. Or push-ups or yoga at home.

Personally, I do one legged pistol squats, deadlift at the gym, chin ups on trees and playgrounds, random push-ups variations at home, and yoga stretches when my back hurts.

VI. Publish a lot.

For every 100 blog posts you write, 1 might get shared widely.

I’ve written over 2,700 blog posts, only five of them (in my mind were very good).

That Is why I like the idea of making GOOD blog posts, not perfect blog posts. GOOD is attainable, perfect doesn’t exist.

My personal barometer of “GOOD”:

Make your blog post 80% good enough, according to your own eyes, and hit publish.

Psychologists call this “satisficing”– satisfying and sufficing for yourself. Satisfy your urge to blog. Suffice the quality.

Photo by Cindy

The motto is:

When in doubt, publish.

VII. Today is your last day.


If you were gonna die in a texting and driving accident today, what blog would you wanna publish?

A personal blog post about your life story? Words of encouragement to friends, family, or your audience?

For me, I see myself as a protector of the weak. I grew up in poverty, and now that I’m rich and powerful, it is my human duty to help those also struggling.

I don’t know what it is for you, but whatever you write always remember:

Memento Mori. When I die, what will be my life story? A story of love and life? Or complaining, despair, and strife? Will I bury the hatchet with my wife, and let my soul soar high like a kite, and to keep my relationships with my friends lock tight? To help the weak with my might? Or get more ones and zeros in my bank account, and try to get richer to the peak of the Paramount. Whatever you do, count your days. In the fork of the road, you can’t go both ways.

Be strong,

Top photo: My mom at the plot of land of her old childhood home in Busan (no longer exists). Below photo, revisited a few years later with Cindy.

Blogging Articles

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How to become a more prolific writer:

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