So my grandpa died at age 92. I am 29 years old now (2017). In theory, I have 63 years left of life.

I: If I died at age 92

So if I look at my life as a chart, I am somewhere around here:

II. I will die in 2080

In years:

So assuming I will die at 92, I will die in 2080.

The half-way of my life will be around 2038 at age 50.

I have lived about a third of my life already. Which means my smartphone battery is around 66%. Which isn’t horrible, but I need to start conserving my smartphone battery (aka, my time and my life).

III: What if I get a mental disease at age 50?

I am not guaranteed to live to 92.

I can get some mental disease at age 50 (think this happened to my dad) — so in theory I only have 21 years left.

And to me, having a debilitating mental disease (like Nietzsche) is akin to death to me.

So let us re-chart this graph, assuming I will (mentally) die at age 50:

So my smartphone battery (life) is around 55%. Holy shit, I’m running out of time. Why am I wasting my time and my life— to earn more money, to buy more shit I don’t need— whereas I should be devoting my life to help others?

IV: Your life is a smartphone battery

Life is like a smartphone battery, except we don’t have a charger. What apps would we not waste our battery on?

Another thing— we can suddenly go from 90% charge to 20% overnight (if we get cancer, heart disease, some rare disease).

So what apps would you stop using in life— to extend your smartphone battery (life)?

For me, I would stop wasting my time on these things:

  1. Earning more money (can’t take the zeros and commas in my bank account after I die)
  2. Wasting time with pointless entertainment and travel
  3. Time away from loved ones and family

And I would focus on:

  1. Creating more empowering information
  2. Studying learning more about the world and about art
  3. Serving others even more— helping others more

So friend, if you knew your smartphone battery in life were only at 50%— what would you stop doing in life, and what would you start doing?

Be strong,

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