More Information, More Problems

Kyoto, 2015
Kyoto, 2015

Is having more information better?

When ‘more’ is ‘less’

We generally think the more information, the better.

In reality, it is the opposite: the more information we have, the worse-off we are.


The more information we have, the more chance for there to be false correlations in our data.

The more information we have, the more distractions we have.

The more information we have, the less attention we have.

The more information we have, the less we know.


One thing I learned from Taoist philosophy is to gain true wisdom, we should week to unlearn (to remove information from our brain), rather than to add information to our brains.

When we are children, we are the most wise. Then as we get older, we gain this false information. We “learn” how to shut up, stay quiet, listen to authority, listen to society, sit down, and not interrupt.

If you really want to become the best version of yourself, you need to unlearn what society has taught you.

Always be skeptical

You also want to beware information that can hurt you.

There is a lot of “mis-information” on the internet, which is harmful to you. If you have a health condition and read mis-information on the internet about a potential cure, this could end up killing you.

Avoid social media

Too much superfluous information in terms of social media is also harmful to you. Do you really need to know where all your friends are currently on holiday? Do you need to see the information (via pictures) of them relaxing on the beach, enjoying a cappuccino in Paris, or having a beer by the river?

This information will only make you feel worse about your life. It will invite more jealousy and envy in your life. You will be worse-off.

Limit your information intake

Focus on ‘signal’ and avoid the ‘noise’.

‘Signal’ is information which helps you. Which empowers you. This information is rare, often hard to find, and comes in small doses.

‘Noise’ is information which steals your attention, makes you more distracted, more anxious, and more miserable. Watching the TV news 24/7 is 99% noise. They just need to constantly have something in the ‘news’ to sell more advertisements and commercials to you. Same goes with most websites, blogs, things on the internet, and social media.

Fast from sterile information

Try having a ‘media fast’ — for an entire week, go without reading any websites, blogs, social media, or sources of distraction.

Try to focus on only intaking information that will actually empower you. Generally I only trust books (and older philosophy books, as they aren’t trying to ‘sell’ you anything). And information that has existed for a long time is probably more ‘true’ than modern information. What would you rather trust— information that has been around for 2000 years, or only 2 days? The information published 2 days ago, will probably not continue to exist into the future. The information which has been around for 2000 years has a high likelihood to exist another 2000 years (the ‘Lindy effect’ — according to philosopher Nassim Taleb).

Cut the fat

What information is superfluous to you? Ruthlessly cut it from your life. With less sterile information in your life, you will gain more wisdom, insight, and focus.

Continue to cultivate ‘selective ignorance’ — and your possibilities will become endless.


Learn more: Life Philosophy >