When we are children, everyday is a new adventure. Everyday is a chance to learn something new, to explore, meet new people, learn new words, new phrases, and to pick up new social cues. We are bewildered by reality.
However as we get older, we become jaded with reality. We feel trapped in these shitty 9-5 jobs, and feel the inner-child die.
How to stay excited in life

How do we stay inspired, motivated, and excited about life?
Remember the mantra: “Adventure awaits!”
If you feel your life is boring and uninteresting, don’t blame where you live, what your job is, or any of your external situations. Always blame yourself. Know that everything in life is about perspective.
For example, even a lot of factory workers who do the same monotonous work find pleasure and joy in trying to master their work, to beat their previous times, and to learn new ways to be efficient.
I know some photographers who live in the most interesting cities in the world (New York, LA, SF, Tokyo) who are jaded. They have lived there for a long time, so it is no longer interesting to them.
It is easy for us to find excitement and adventure when we are in new places. After all, travel always brings novelty and uniqueness.
However no matter how much we travel, we will never find a place that totally satisfied us. That is because it is human nature to revert back to baseline, to become bored, and have the need of a challenge and adventure.
So my suggestion is this: think of everyday as a new day. Think that everyday is rebirth for you. Don’t let anything from your past hold you back.
What would you do if everyday was a new day?

For example, if you restarted photography all over again tomorrow, what would you do differently? What photos would you shoot, what photos would you not shoot? Would you still use the camera, lens, or post-processing style you do today? Do you stick to your old modes of photography because you love it? Or because it is what is comfortable to you?
For me, I complain a lot of my life and situation (no matter how interesting or pleasant it is). And once again, I realize the fault lies inside myself — not others, or the environment in which I am.
I also have a hard time finding inspiration in my photography. But the best way I’ve found to keep it exciting is to always see everyday as a new adventure in photography. I try to re-discover my camera whenever I use it. I try to find new functions, features, and abilities that my camera has (that I might not have known).
I try experimenting shooting different subject-matter. I experiment with different post-processing techniques. I shoot JPEG and sometimes RAW (and often both).
I shoot different neighborhoods, try to mix up my compositions, and add complexity to my work.
I continue to study the work of the masters of photography, and not just in street photography. I try to embrace all of photography, and all of the arts.
Be eager to learn new things

So friend, stay open and fresh in your photography by seeing everyday as a new challenge and adventure in your photography. The only way to stay inspired for your entire life is to retain that child-like mind, which is always eager to learn, try new things, and explore.
Don’t let your mind fossilize, become jaded, and lose passion and inspiration in life.
Never forget: “Adventure awaits!”