Here we go! This latest one was very nice from my point of view because I got to know a little bit of each of the member just by their photographs alone. It was interesting mix of humor, drama, and a life with photography. Without further ado, here are the choices for this assignment:

As is tradition, we start of with the community’s choice. The thing noticeable about this one is the multiple layers he employed from the reflections from the glass, inside the car, the people on the opposite sidewalk, and the street art. I like that there are only two discernible male faces there and full of females. Either way, I like how it all blends together and not surprised that this is community’s choice.

This is perhaps the first time I saw a print juxtaposition using a bus seat. It is smart. A juxtaposition is only as good as the elements juxtaposed. If the elements don’t go together it won’t work. Here it does because of the face palm of the man in the background. This makes the image open to multiple stories.

Arnold’s photo here might make the Nikon fans happy! Personally I ascribe to the “no lens cap, no problem” school of using a camera but kidding aside, It’s nice how that logo floats in the head of the girl. I am not sure if it is an accessory or just a reflection but either way, it is a witty image. After all, most of us have photography on our minds all the time and a chunk of it is our equipment.

One of the things about photography is that if you see one thing that captures your eye, photograph it. But it’s another if you can transform it into something different. It’s nice how everything lined up and how the colorful playground jives well together.

It’s always a given that we can get a reflection off a glass window and given the ubiquity of glass screens we have on our pockets, this was a well executed photo by Kevin. I like the story it creates as well. I’m pretty sure they will have a better photo if Kevin personally took their picture but then again, they have their reasons for their selfie. At the end of the day, both Kevin and the girls have great pictures for different reasons.

This image gives me a throwback to the movie Inception or the video game Portal. The use of layers here is very good and at the same time the silhouette made the image happen. I like how the street suddenly has a portal leading to that empty hallway and it is right smack dab in the head. Like many of the images here. This has many stories and wise use of black and white imagery. Really fits the theme.

From a silhouette, we now move on to some shadow play. I’ve said it before here but I think it is worth saying again that the photographer is as much part of the street as the people, architecture, and activity happening there. I like the extra touch of Michael stretching out his hand as it adds a little extra. Kudos to him for a creative execution.

Thomas shows us a very sinister image here. It reminds me of those horror video game cover art. And I can’t believe i’m going to say this sentence ever but might as well: those bokeh balls actually added to the photograph. The sinister figures in the front also complete the story.

I like how clean this image by John is. The separation in the middle divides the frame into two worlds. Perhaps a representation of John’s priorities? I can only infer but either way. Excellent use of reflections.
Editor’s Choice
I always ascribe to the idea that you should shoot who you are. If you want to be something different, you can try to make yourself different or just like that old adage, fake it till you make it. Nonetheless, what’s important in photography and in life is that we have an understanding of ourselves and why we do the things do and shoot the way we want. It all comes with self awareness. For us, the photo that encompassed that is this one:
Congratulations to Kim Allen
Email me at contact@agdemesaphoto.com and let’s discuss the next assignment!
Honorable Mentions
Closing Thoughts
Those in the group know that I posted a question on how we can develop and improve the group further. Please do visit the group and tell me your thoughts. To be honest, I want to not just grow the group but impose a new challenge or find new ways for people to learn and develop good habits to be able to shoot better.
Please check the group, see you there!
If you want to join in, just go to the Streettogs Academy Facebook Group! (or read my introduction here)
In behalf of your moderator, Fabricio Santos, we would like to thank you for participating in this’s assignment and hope you will join again in the next one!
May the light shine bright wherever you are!