Paris Day 5: Interview with Alex Majoli from Magnum and Love For My Friends (last day in Paris)

"Grimace" - Metro, Paris
"Grimace" - Metro, Paris
“Grimace” – Metro, Paris

Today is the last day that I am in Paris, and I wanted to give you a few last updates. I was able to interview Alex Majoli from Magnum, an incredibly passionate and down-to earth photographer. Once I get back home, I will post the interview for you to read. Also I had the chance to walk around with JJ from Leica and take photographs, and also have a great meal of crepes with him and William Yan. Lastly in the night, I met up with Damien Rayuela, Charlie Kirk, and Alexandra Uhart with William. We had a ton of fun (and drinks) — make sure to read more to see the video and the images from today ;)

Paris Day 5 (Last day) Updates:

Charlie Kirk Asks Me My Future with Street Photography

Hilarious Story Shooting Street Photography

Eric Kim Interviews Alexandra Uhart, street photographer (forgive the blurry video)

Alexandra Uhart and Her Flash Street Photography Gear

Last night of fun with Charlie, Damien, Alex, William, and myself.

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux


Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Day 5 Street Photography with the Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Paris Street Photography Eric Kim Leica M9 and 35mm f/1.4 Summilux

Thank you so much for following me throughout this journey in Paris! Huge love– please stay tuned, I have more great stuff coming after Paris. Also let me know which images you dig the most :)