To help spread the word about the street photography workshop I am teaching in Brighton on May 21st, MarkB over at X100Photo suggested that I host a street photography contest. I thought it is a fantastic idea for people to showcase their street photography while also having a chance to win a FREE street photography workshop for themself and a friend.
How to Enter
- Choose your favorite street photograph that you shot in the UK and upload it to my Facebook fan page.
- Include a caption with the following information:
- Title:
- Image caption:
- Location:
- Why you would like to attend my street photography workshop in Brighton:
- Include a caption with the following information:
- Get your friends to “Like” my Facebook fan page, and “Like” your image.
- Encourage your friends to vote for you by spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter, Email, blog, website, etc.
- On May 7th, I will announce the winner based on who has the most “Like’s”.
- The winner will win a FREE street photography workshop for themself and a friend for my street photography workshop in Brighton on May 21st.
Rules & FAQ
- Voting ends on May 6th at midnight.
- Each participant is only allowed to enter 1 image.
- The image must have been taken in the UK.
- Prize doesn’t include accommodation or airfare.
- Entries can be either film or digital.
- We deserve the right to disqualify any inappropriate images.
Contest Dates
- April 4-May 6
Got any questions, comments, or concerns? If so, leave a comment below!