I had dream, well two.
The first dream that I had was creating a scholarship foundation named after my beloved mother, Sukhee Chung.
The second was spreading my love of photography, especially to students from lower socio-economic backgrounds who didn’t have access to it.
It then struck me like a lighting bolt. Why not create my own foundation for photography that helps under-served students and name it after my mother?
Thus the Sukhee Chung Photography Foundation (SCPF) has been born.
What is the Sukhee Chung Photography Foundation going to be about?
I therefore openly announce that as of today, I will be dedicating all of my efforts as using this blog to raise awareness/donations for my new photography foundation. Does that mean all the great street photography articles, tips, photos, and videos will go away? Not at all. Rather, I will be starting to ask from you (the community) to help grow my foundation either by purchasing my prints, purchasing my shirts, or by donating.
What I have done so far:
As you know, I am currently teaching photography to under-privileged youth in Venice, Los Angeles at a school named Phoenix High. Through a recent (and very generous) donation from Jonathan Murray, we now have enough cameras for our 21 students. He was able to truly open up his heart and sent over 11 brand-new Canon point & shoot cameras along with memory cards, cables, and even cases.
One of my close friends named Terry Kim from UCLA is also trying to start her own photography class at an inner-city middle school. When she told me her plan, I wanted to help her and her students.
How you can help support this cause?
I ask of you and the community to help support my dream of spreading photography to under-privileged youth by:
- Donating your old digital cameras (Ship cameras to 2025 Barry Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025)
- Purchasing my prints
- Purchasing my T-shirts
- Donating via Paypal
My new goal is to get 20 cameras for her, and in the near future– use my foundation as a platform to help support other photography programs in Los Angeles. But know that it will not be possible without you. Not the figurative and abstract you–but YOU, the person behind the screen reading this.
How does photography make a difference?
Photography is a beautiful way to bring joy and creativity into the lives of students whose lives are filled with violence, poverty, and domestic problems. Just watch these brief interviews I had with the students I am currently teaching photography to.
Tyler Lindholm
Jose Uribe
Ashley Iverson
So if I donate, what will you do with my donation?
100% of your donation will go toward supporting the Sukhee Chung Photography Foundation and to help spread the art of photography to those who do not have access to it.
What if I cannot donate and still want to help out?
That is totally fine! Just spread the word by posting this blog post to your Facebook, Twitter, or ask your friends/family to help support the cause!
If you are interested in contributing but still have some questions, feel free to leave a comment below or email me at! God bless.